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Country: Kenya

Organisation: BLINature Kenya (the EANHS)

Location: Botanical Gardens, National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi. It has a forest with a mix of tree species -native and exotic - that attracts an array of bird, primate and reptile species.  It has a riverine habitat that allows waterbirds and amphibians to thrive as well.

Botanical Gardens, National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi
Botanical Gardens, National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi

On Air: Ireene Rose Madindou

Ireene Rose Madindou: Ireene Rose Madindou is Ornithologist at the Zoology department, National Museums of Kenya and member of Bird committee-Nature Kenya.  She has interests in bird ecology, bird songs and bird feeding, and holds an MSc. in Conservation Biology.  She also loves nature and art.

Ireene Rose Madindou
Ireene Rose Madindou

Key Species: Olive Thrush

Olive Thrush

The Olive Thrush is the key species chosen because of its unique song that is louder than other birds and for its early and late chorus in the morning and in the evening.  The race is Turdus olivaceus olivaceus, only found in the highlands of Kenya.  Other species that are common in this garden are the Klaas’s Cuckoo and the Yellow-bellied Bulbul which are also good singers!